3 drops of Cypress
2 drops of Black Pepper
1 drop of Vetiver
How to Use this Essential Oil Blend
The purpose of this blend is to support self-reflection and emotional processing including emotional self-exploration, self-confrontation, catharsis, and eventual response formulation.
Step #1: Quick Check In
As the process of emotional processing and self-reflection can often be difficult, frightening, and emotionally straining. As such, it’s best to be energetically prepared.
Stop a moment and check on your energy levels/resources. Have you eaten and slept enough recently? Are you especially stressed? Are you in an emotionally-safe environment?
The Brain Power Checklist or FCAS Model may help.
If you need to take a little time to destress or replenish your energy first before self-reflecting, do so.
Step #2: Open Up
When you’re ready, start diffusing the blend. Breathe deeply. And as you do so, try to lower your emotional defenses to access the emotions that hide behind those defenses.
If you find this difficult, un-tensing your body through a body scan meditation or preparing your mind with the ocean waves exercise may help.
Step #3: Feel
Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Try to feel them and hold space for them for a time without reacting to them. Don’t run away from them or shame them. Just allow them to “be” with you.
If you feel yourself getting too overwhelmed by this “feeling stage” of the process, know that it’s okay to stop, disengage for a little while, go find a healthy way to destress, and then come back to this step when you are ready.
Do not move on from this step until you are comfortable enough with your emotions that you can hold space for them and calm thinking in your mind at the same time.
Step #4: Analyze
When you’re ready to start analyzing your feelings, you may choose to:
- Gives names to your feelings
- Trace the sequence of events that led to these feelings
- Identify the needs or desires that fuels these feelings
- Notice patterns in your feelings or behavior
- Try to see these feelings as part of the larger situational or moral
- Seek to understand the perspectives of relevant parties and empathize with their feelings
- Identify and pursue relevant questions relating to your emotions/the situation
- Decide what behavioral changes, boundaries, conversations, reconciliations, etc may be needed going forward
- Express your feelings and what you’ve learned through an artistic medium
- Etc.