
At iTOVi we want to make sure everyone is safe when talking about our incredible technology. Below are some tips on things you can say and what not to say to ensure use of compliant language.

How to describe iTOVi to other people:

iTOVi is a scanning device that ranks galvanic skin response (GSR) measurements. During a scan, the iTOVi uses GSR technology by sending stimuli to the body one at a time and measuring the body’s response to each. iTOVi then produces a report that ranks small changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin, listing the body’s strongest responses in order.

Galvanic skin response is also referred to at times as electrodermal activity or skin conductance testing.

In summary, iTOVi is a device that measures changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin to a stimulus. iTOVi is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


What do the results of an iTOVi report mean?

At iTOVi, we believe you should use products that your body responds well to. The results of an iTOVi report show the results of the scan in order of your GSR response.

When a product shows up on the report, you can tell clients that they had a positive or strong response to the product. Of course, this “positive” response refers only to the galvanic skin response measurement. iTOVi isn’t making any claim as to the effectiveness of the product.

As an example, a common question we get is “How does iTOVi know which products I need?” First, iTOVi doesn’t measure which products you need, just your galvanic skin response to them. Second, iTOVi doesn’t know; it only displays changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin to the stimuli.

We don’t claim to know all of the reasons why a person’s body would respond a certain way to a stimulus. iTOVi is not a diagnostic tool and any claims that would entail a diagnosis are unfounded and should be avoided. What we do know is that when people use products that they respond well to, they tend to feel good and experience an increase in their mood.


What not to say:

iTOVi is not a diagnostic device. However, many of our users will acknowledge this but still use diagnostic terms when describing iTOVi. These are some of the most commonly used incorrect descriptions of iTOVi:

  • iTOVi tells you what your body needs.
  • iTOVi tells you what your body wants.
  • iTOVi shows mineral deficiency or what your body is deficient in.
  • The products on the report are the ones iTOVi says are good for your body.
  • iTOVi is accurate because the products that come up on reports correspond with a condition from your body.



Never use disease terms when talking about iTOVi (diabetes, heart condition, cancer, flu, etc.)

Never use diagnostic terms when talking about iTOVi (chronic, acute, diagnosis, treat, cure, etc.)

iTOVi does not measure the body’s frequencies – this is something that we often hear which isn’t true. iTOVi sends a frequency to the body as a stimulus to incite a response, then iTOVi measures the changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin.

If you need help using the right words to describe iTOVi, please call one of our Customer Success Advocates who are ready to help you be successful with your iTOVi.



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