Personal & Family Wellness

The essential oil community’s leading technology for personal wellness!

With the iTOVi Scanner and your personalized scan reports, you can…

  • Pick the best essential oils and supplements for YOU
  • Optimize your personal wellness plan with the areas of focus, activities, and products best suited to your body
  • Scan yourself regularly to track your stress and discover trends in your wellness
  • Increase your practical knowledge about health, wellness, and essential oils
  • Support your family members and friends in their wellness journeys
  • And more!

How Does It Work?

1. Find Your Best Product

Pick the top products from your scan report that match your wellness goals.

2. Optimize your Wellness Plan

Learn to use those products and then make and follow a plan to use them regularly. Monitor your improvement.

3. Scan again & Share With Others

When you’re ready to check in with yourself again or revise your wellness plan, scan again and help others do the same!

How often should I scan?

We recommend that everyone who owns an iTOVi Scanner scan themselves at least once a week. 

However, you can scan more often! Discover more details about how often to scan, when to scan, and more on our blog post page: How Often Should I Scan?


Let's Do This!

Take charge of your personal wellness today with the iTOVi Scanner.

Helpful Resources

iTOVi International

Find Your iTOVi Community World-Wide!

Oils & Affirmations

Essential Oils & Affirmations for Each Energy Chakra

11 Essential Oils for Hair Support

How can essential oils support your haircare routine?

The Science of Vibes

How does energy play a part in our wellness?


Claim your FREE month or $150 off the industry leading wellness scanner!