Respiratory Salve

Got respiratory irritation? Try this simple, home recipe for extra respiratory support!
Treating Scars With Essential Oils

What can we do about scars? Can they be erased? Faded? How can essential oils help? Discover how to treat your scars in this iTOVi Blogpost!
Clarifying Trust Blend

Trying to sort out your relationships and boundaries? Let this blend and activity help you clarify your feelings, identify your allies, and stand by them for a healthier social life!
iTOVi Exercise Guide: Part 1: Motivation

Exercise is indispensable for wellness. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of exercise, exercise plans, warm up, recovery, and more!
Adrenal Love – Topical Solution

Your adrenal glands play a crucial role in your health, daily energy levels, blood sugar, immunity, and much more! Mix up and regularly apply this topical solution to support your adrenal glands!
The iTOVi Nutrition Guide: Part 6: Supplements & Nutritional Support from iTOVi

Supplements can be an incredible support for your nutritional wellness. And iTOVi can help! But to use nutritional supplements successfully—there are a few rules you should know about.
All About Beauty: Part 2: Finding Self-Expression

Discover self-expression! Learn the difference between instinctual and intentional self-expression! And learn how it can elevate your life!
A Guide to DIY Bug Sprays with Essential Oils

Spring is here…and so the bugs are too. Discover WHY and HOW to make your own homemade bug spray with essential oils!
Brain Support Essential Oil Blend

Breathe in brain support! Combine this Brain Support blend with meditation, de-stressing activities, or brain-supportive yoga!
Fresh Beet Toast – EO Recipe

A toast recipe to “beet” the rest! Use this delicious beet toast recipe for a delicious, fresh-tasting breakfast or prepare a few slices to be a side dish at dinner!