Why You Need a Morning Routine


Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.

– Wayne Huizenga

Mornings can be rough. Whether you’re an early riser or a late-starter, we all crave extra time snuggled in the warmth of our blankets and pillows. But hitting snooze just one more time often comes with the consequences of rushing to get ready. Establishing a morning routine may help your mornings become less stressed and allow yourself to focus on what your needs are to ensure a productive day!

When implementing a morning routine, the first tip is to try not to hit that snooze button. Get up right when your alarm goes off. This may seem nearly impossible at first, but with some determination and will-power, you will find it getting a little easier each morning. We recommend starting your morning off with some light exercise or stretching as a way to wake your body and mind up.

If you aren’t convinced that you would benefit from a morning routine, here are four reasons why we believe everyone should establish one:


Creating a morning routine could be the key to unlocking for more stress-free days. Implementing a regular routine will help you to accomplish more in your mornings without having to think about them. So let’s say you cannot function properly in the morning with your favorite fix of coffee. If you get into a routine of turning on your coffee pot right before jumping in the shower, you’ll have a guarantee of fresh hot joe while you go about the rest of your routine. And by establishing this routine, you aren’t having to consciously think about this action, which in turn means you aren’t having to stress about not finding the time or running out of time to accomplish it.


By not hitting that snooze button an extra two or three times, you’re freeing up time that you can dedicate towards something you enjoy. With fifteen extra minutes in the morning, you could whip up breakfast, meditate, go for a quick jog, or whatever it is that you may feel would best benefit your day. By not having to worry over time, your morning routine will lead to a less stressful day.


Do you have more energy when you exercise in the morning? Would planning your day the night before help relieve pressure and stress rather than planning in the morning? These are questions that you may never know the answers to until you’ve implemented and experimented with a morning routine to find the best fit for you. You may also learn more about your own essential oil preferences. Bright, refreshing oils (such as orange, grapefruit, and peppermint) are typically recommended to help wake up and invigorate the mind. Each morning for a week, why not try out some new blends to see if there are unexpected oils that help get you motivated and awake? You may come across your own secret blend that will help power you through mornings.


Instead of rushing around and trying to remember if you grabbed everything you need for the day, implementing a morning routine will free up your mind to think about your major tasks for the day and prioritize how to best go about them. We’ve all had those days where we finished an item on our to-do list then had to backtrack in order to accomplish the second one. With less stress in the morning, you’ll be able to think through your to-do list and configure the best way to accomplish as many tasks as possible. Say goodbye to that frazzled am-I-forgetting-something feeling and hello to a confident, productive day!
When implementing a morning routine, be sure to give it sufficient time to see the effects it may have. Share with us if you have a morning routine that you love in the comments below!

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