Household & Cleaning

Disinfectant Spray

Ingredients 20 drops Protective Blend Water Add oils to a 16 oz spray bottle, then top off with water. Shake before use. Like this recipe? Find more like

Wool Dryer Balls

Wool Dryer Balls Store-bought dryer sheets emit VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that are known to be very toxic and have been linked to Alzheimer’s and cancer. A 100%

Lights Out Spray

Lights Out Spray Add 2 drops of Lavender, Clary Sage and Sandalwood to a 2 oz spray bottle and fill with water. Spray on pillows and sheets before

Essential Oils for the Great Outdoors

With summer fast approaching, we curated a list of essential oils that are ideal for outdoor adventures and alternative deterrents to nature’s most-annoying side-kick.

Our 5 Favorite Summertime Blends

A new season means it's time for some new essential oil blends! Whether you choose to diffuse or you relish the rollers, we highly recommend the following summertime combinations.

DIY Eucalyptus Wall Hanging

Our first DIY project is a boho eucalyptus wall hanging. As many of you know from using the oil, eucalyptus has a fresh and energizing smell that can help keep you focused. This cute and functional accessory is a great addition to your home office.

Traveling with Essential Oils

The benefits of using essential oils don’t stop upon arrival to your destination (whether you got there by plane, boat, car, or train!). As you’re exploring the tropical beaches of Hawaii or cozying up by the campfire with relatives, you’ll find yourself reaching for that bag of oils a lot more than you’d expect.

iTOVi and Houseguests

Whether you have a close-knit family that loves to come together to celebrate the tiniest of celebrations (don’t worry, we love and support dog birthday parties too), or you rent out that extra room to Airbnb travelers, you want your house to be in tip-top shape to keep your guests comfortable. Have you ever thought of sharing your love for essential oils with your visitors?

Spring Cleaning with Essential Oils

We’ve done the hard part for you by researching natural cleaning essential oil recipes.

BYOB: Bring Your Own Blend Scanning Party

BYOB stands for Bring Your Own Blend...essential oil blend, of course!


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