You Have a Cold…Now What?

Cold weather brings on sniffles and sneezes–that’s just life. But, thanks to essential oils, there are natural ways to ease that discomfort of a cold. We’ve compiled a few of our favorite ideas so that if you do end up getting sick this holiday season, you know exactly what to do!

Have a Cup of Tea

This one might be obvious. Nothing soothes a sore throat like a warm cup o’ chamomile. But if you haven’t already tried adding essential oils to your tea, you’re missing out! Adding an oil like oregano or lemon can lift your spirits while fighting congestion. If tea really isn’t your cup of…well…tea, then try some warm apple cider to soothe that scratchy throat!

Neck & Chest Massage

You don’t have to use oils internally to receive the benefits. Applying oils topically in the form of a warm chest massage can help loosen the pressure built up in your sinuses. Frankincense, eucalyptus, and cedarwood are common oils when it comes to rubbing the neck and chest area. Dilute these oils with a carrier oil and gently massage, starting at the base of the ears and working your way down.

DIY Shower Melt Tablets

If you’re willing to put in a bit of work to make these shower tablets, the results can leave you feeling relaxed and ready to face this pesky cold head-on. We loved this DIY recipe from Wellness Mama! Peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, and lavender oil can all be combined in this shower melt tablet to create a positive aroma for your shower. Just place the tablet at the bottom of your tub while you shower and enjoy the essential oils as they’re released. The calming aroma may help ease tension and clear your sinuses.

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Nothing says “feel better” like a warm bowl of soup! This essential oil twist on the childhood classic will have you hooked. We recommend using this recipe from Eazy Peazy Mealz, because oregano oil adds a nice herb flavor. Veggies are naturally rich in antioxidants and the warmth of the soup can help calm a troubled tummy or soothe a sore throat. Your kids (or yourself) will thank you.

Take a Bubble Bath

No matter how crazy life gets, you should always save time for a bath. A cold can make everyday tasks seem exhausting, so a warm bath at the end of the day is just what the doctor ordered. Baths are a blessing on their own, but adding essential oils to the mix can promote muscle relaxation and help clear your sinuses with crisp scents of oils like thyme and cedarwood. Some of our top favorite bath oils include lavender, peppermint, melaleuca, and lemon. These oils can encourage calming feelings while the aroma works to ease tension around your cheeks and nose. We loved finding these bath salt blends from Hello Glow.

Diffuse Your Favorites

Last but certainly not least, we recommend diffusing the oils you find in your iTOVi scan results. Your scan results let you know which oils your body responds to well, and when you’re sick, it’s extra important to stay in tune with your body. One of our favorite diffuser blends to help ease cold symptoms is 3 drops peppermint, 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops melaleuca, and 1 drop lemon oil. The steam from a few deep breaths of this blend can help clear up sinuses the same way shower steam does, except that essential oils smell amazing!

Don’t let the cold bug catch you off guard this season. Have your favorite oils on hand to help ease your symptoms and get you back on your feet a little faster. Be sure to leave your tried-and-true cold remedies in the comments below so more people can find relief!

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