5 Unsung Essential Oil Heroes

Earlier last month, we posted about 5 of the most common essential oils. But what about those unsung oil heroes? What about cypress oil? Did you know that there’s even a lime essential oil? In this post, we’ll feature 5 of the most uncommon oils and their uses. Now the next time lemongrass or cloves pops up in your iTOVi scan results, you’ll know just what to do with it!


If you’ve never smelled patchouli before, then just be warned that the sweet, musky scent will bring back relaxing memories. Patchouli oil has an incredibly calming aroma that may leave you feeling relaxed and at peace. We recommend diffusing it during your next yoga session or rubbing a few drops on your temples after a long day. Another use of patchouli oil is rubbing a drop or two diluted with a carrier oil on your skin to increase moisture. Adding it sparingly to your face scrub or moisturizer may help reduce wrinkles and skin blemishes.


Most essential oils are used in diffusers, mixed with recipes, or applied topically. While lemongrass oil can be used in these common ways, we want to highlight a few uses that make lemongrass oil so unique! If your fingernails are looking dull or grimy, mixing lemongrass oil with a bit of melaleuca oil may help them look and feel clean. Do you love a nice massage after a long workout? Lucky for you, lemongrass oil can benefit the skin while providing a relaxing atmosphere–it’s the perfect massage mix when diluted with a carrier oil! You can also diffuse lemongrass oil out on your porch or patio to keep those pesky mosquitos away.


We know lemon oil is practically perfect in every possible way, but what does lime oil bring to the table? Lime has all the wonderful smells of summer. It’s an aroma so energizing that we won’t judge you for using it all year long. Diffusing lime oil is a great way to promote creativity in a classroom or office. Believe it or not, it can even make your fridge smell better! Just place a few drops into a box of baking soda and enjoy its fresh citrus-smelling results. If your skin-care routine is in need of a healthy boost, try adding lime oil to your favorite moisturizer. Lime oil can promote healthier-looking skin, leaving you refreshed and ready to take on the day.


This oil’s strong and spicy aroma arouses memories of brisk mountain air and fresh pine trees. If the cooling weather makes you long for early morning hikes through a forest of evergreen trees, then this is the oil for you. When diffused, this oil blends wonderfully with lavender and cedarwood. Cypress oil makes a great addition to your shampoo or body wash to spice up your beauty routine. If these uses just aren’t enough to satisfy your cypress cravings, mix it with water in a spray bottle to help eliminate stale odors. Your gym shoes will thank you! Spray your couch or cushions with the combination to give your home a warm and uplifting boost.


When you think of essential oils that are perfect for the holidays, peppermint and cinnamon pop into your mind, right? Once you smell the spicy-warm scent of clove, it’ll quickly become a new fall favorite. When you’re curled up on the couch with hot cocoa and a good book, diffuse some clove oil to create the warm finishing touch to your autumn evening. Put a few drops in a spray bottle diluted with water to create a perfect DIY air freshener! Combining clove oil with a carrier oil can make for a warm and soothing massage. No matter how you choose to use clove oil, its spicy scent can both uplift and soothe you all at once!

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