Here’s what you CAN say!
Like doTERRA, Young Living, Zija, and various other essential oil and supplement companies, iTOVi has compliancy rules and guidelines that we need to abide by. We have provided several webinars and posts that discuss the importance of compliance and what you should not be saying. And then we realized we’ve been lacking in providing you examples for what you can say!
Check out the questions and answers below to get an idea of how to respond to these tricky questions:
Q: So what exactly is the iTOVi scanner?
A: The iTOVi scanner is a non-diagnostic device that uses galvanic skin response technology to measure the small changes in the electrical conductivity of your skin.
Q: How does the iTOVi scanner work?
A: iTOVi uses galvanic skin response/GSR by measuring the electrical conductivity of the skin and identifying the most pronounced changes.
Q: So the iTOVi tells me what my body is lacking or what oil it needs most?
A: No, your scan results are products that your body had the strongest response to during your scan. Using the products may help you on your journey towards having better overall health and wellness.
If you want to learn more about the technology behind our scanner, check out our technology page! It provides compliant and easy to understand explanations of our scanner!