Curl Up Comfort – Essential Oil Blend

Curl Up Comfort Ingredients: 4 drops Lavender 2 drops Frankincense 1 drop Clove or Vetiver How to Use this Essential Oil Blend Step #1: Get comfy.  When trying to comfort oneself or soothe anxious emotions, being physically comfortable helps the body and mind return to a state of equilibrium.  If you are well-fed, warm, and […]

Regroup- Essential Oil Blend

Regroup — Essential Oil Blend Ingredients: 4 drops of Lavender 1 drop of Juniper Berry 1 drop of Eucalyptus How to Use this Essential Oil Blend Step #1: Find a Safe Space, Slow Down, and Breathe. Whenever we feel unsafe or stressed, it is easy, and severely tempting, to jump into flight-fight-or-freeze mode.  And, of […]

Your Immune System & Essential Oils

If your body were a company—your immune system would be that quiet, behind-the-scenes worker whose incredible diligence keeps the company on its feet.  Unfortunately, she’s also that worker who 1) doesn’t get as much credit as she deserves, 2) often isn’t given as much support as she deserves, and 3) is only remembered when something […]


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