Build Your Social Media and Business with iTOVi

hands on iPad social media and your business

iTOVi scanner? Check. Friends and family that are excited about their scans? Check. Using your scanner to build both your social media and your business? Uhh…that’s an area we’re sure we could all use some help in.

Now, where would you be able to advertise your scanner, include your testimonial about it, and be able to respond to any questions people may have for little to no cost? How about everybody’s favorite little addiction, social media? It’s predicted that 81% of small business owners utilize at least one social media platform for advertising their business. With millions of consumers turning to social media every day to learn more about their favorite brands, it just makes sense to use Instagram and Facebook to promote your own business.

If you own one of our scanners, then you are probably aware of our unique and straightforward referral program. If you aren’t familiar with it, then you can learn more about it here! Posting about your iTOVi on social media is an easy and efficient way to introduce and educate your followers about your scanner. You’ll find that it may naturally open the door to a discussion about how you use yours and why you love it. And who knows, that simple online conversation could lead to a possible referral or two!

Below are three tips and tricks to effectively build your social media and your business simultaneously:

Facebook Live camera, social media and your business

1. Utilize Instagram and Facebook’s Live Videos

In 2016, Instagram and Facebook both rolled out the live video feature to all of their active users. For some of us, merely hearing the words “live video” may instantaneously strike an intimidating chord. But what better way to show the simplicity of your scanner than live-streaming running a scan? You’re also able to engage with your viewers during the video by answering any questions they may have submitted in the comment field. And once your live video is wrapped up, you’re able to share it with the rest of your followers on either your Instagram story or in your Facebook feed.

2. Engage with Your Followers

Have you ever commented on one of your favorite brand’s posts and they’ve responded? It’s one of the simplest joys in social media, but it can leave you feeling like a rockstar. If someone asks a question about your scanner, be sure to answer them back. It shows that you’re invested in your followers and that you want to share your love for your scanner. And you’ll never know if someone else will view your post with the same question only to find you’ve already answered it (talk about efficiency). And while you’re showing your comments section a little love, be sure to like and comment back on people in your own feed. Set a timer for 15 minutes once a day and dedicate that time to engaging with accounts that you love and maybe discover some new ones. Don’t be shy with that double-tap, favorite, or re-pin! Showing that you care about your followers, their posts, and their questions will help build your online community faster than any informative post. In today’s technology-dependent world, having an online community is proving to be just as beneficial and paramount as having a community around you.

3. Show iTOVi’s Versatility

Surprise interested customers by showing that our scanner is safe to use on people of all ages and health conditions. Use this little-known fact to your advantage and post about scanning babies, children, yourself, senior citizens, an expecting mother, or anyone else for that matter! Anyone who already follows you probably already knows how much you love your scanner for your personal wellness journey. Showcasing its versatility may be the tipping point for possible referrals in your followers. Sharing these photos will allow your followers to see the iTOVi in action on different groups of people. Using social media to show iTOVi’s wide range of possibilities helps to reach a broader range of viewers! Talk about a win-win. We recommend always requesting permission from anyone that you scan to use their picture before sharing it.

Be sure to include #itoviscanner on any pictures that you share about your scanner. We love to see how our scanner can help the iTOVi family build their social media and business!

Picture credit: @kindred.essentials

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