How to Explain the iTOVi Scanner to Others

5 Ways to Explain the iTOVi Scanner

The iTOVi Scanner is a one-of-a-kind product! Its surprisingly compact design somehow manages to test and track individual biological responses to essential oils products. That’s pretty cool.

How does it work?

The long-route to explaining the iTOVi Scanner would be to recommend the iTOVi Galvanic Skin Response Resource Guide.

But not everybody has that kind of reading time. Plus, different people may understand the science differently. Here are 5 short guides to navigate the conversation based on someone’s background. Master all five and you’ll be ready to explain the iTOVi Scanner to anybody!

1. The Natural-Products-Focused Approach

  • Each essential oil product comes from a natural substance—the flowers, leaves, roots, or seeds of a distinct plant species.
  • As a result, every natural wellness product is chemically, electrically, and energetically distinct!
  • The iTOVi Scanner precisely imitates the distinct electrical signatures of these products, sending them to the body one by one and recording the body’s natural response to each one.
  • The strongest of these responses make up the contents of your personalized scan report.

2. The Skin-Focused Approach

  • Your skin is closely connected to the conscious, unconscious, physical, and emotional functions of your body.
  • Whenever your body experiences a significant internal change (stress levels, energy levels, temperature, medication, mood, etc) your skin reacts almost instantly.
  • The iTOVi Scanner introduces your body to the energetic signature of a wellness product and then measures your body’s reaction to that product through your skin. It repeats this test with the signature of each product you are scanning for.
  • The strongest of these reactions make up the contents of your personalized scan report.

3. The Technology-Focused Approach

  • GSR is an amazing technology with many applications.
  • It shows a quantified measure of a individual person’s bodily reaction (as effected by conscious, unconscious, emotional, and physical factors) to a stimulus.
  • Which means your results are likely to be quite different from someone else’s.
  • The iTOVi Scanner presents a wellness product’s specific frequency as a stimulus to your body and then measures your body’s reaction. It repeats this test with the frequency of each product you are scanning for.
  • Your strongest-response products appear in your personalized scan report.

4. The Electricity-Focused Approach

  • The human body can conduct, inhibit, and generate electricity.
  • It uses electrical impulses for many vital functions, using them to enable communication between all your organs, muscles, and tissues.
  • The iTOVi Scanner taps into this system to test your body’s responsiveness to different wellness products.
  • The iTOVi Scanner uses electrical impulses to present to the body the precise signature of a specific wellness product and then measures your body’s electrical response.
  • It repeats this test with the frequencies of all the wellness products you want to scan for.
  • Your strongest-response products appear in your personalized scan report.

5. The Comparison Approach

  • The iTOVi Scanner combines two powerful technological approaches.
  • Like NuroKor, vagus nerve stimulators, or Dolphin Pro, the iTOVi Scanner sends precise, subtle, but impactful electrical impulses to the body.
  • And like the Microsoft Band, FitBit, and Jawbone Up, the iTOVi Scanner uses GSR technology to collect live, individualized wellness data from the body.
  • This allows the iTOVi to test your body for its personalized response to specific wellness products.
  • Your strongest-response products appear in your personalized scan report, providing great insight into your wellness AND knowledge of how best to use your wellness products.

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