Your Nervous System & Essential Oils

It’s a typical day.  And your various body parts are all queuing to make their voices heard—your stomach is trying to submit a progress report on digesting last night’s dinner, your right foot would like to lodge a complaint about the pebble in your shoe, and your brain is simultaneously sending instructions to your fingers […]

Essential Oils & The 5 Love Languages

Hand making heart

Love is an essential part of our overall wellness.  Yes, we all need regular sleep, stress, and good nutrition—but we also need to love and be loved! We all need to connect socially, to share our emotions with others, and feel acceptance! And so, we thrive when we have the right amount of family-love, friend-love, and […]

Gratitude Meditation – Essential Oil Blend

Gratitude Meditation Ingredients: 2 drops Green Mandarin 1 drop Marjoram 2 drops Cedarwood How to Use this Essential Oil Blend #1: Set a timer for 10-30 minutes. Timekeeping can be a mental distraction.  So, to keep your focus on your meditation, set a timer with an alarm.  And until the alarm goes off, dedicate your […]


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